Christmas is here what come next is a brand new 2007, with out knowing here we are coming to an end of 2006. Let 's HOPE of a better & blessed ahead of our life. There maybe unpleasant moment that had happened to you (eg. work, study , financial, relationship or anything!) stop holding on to it let go, learn from mistake, stop looking back to the past & blame whatever u can blame on it will take you to no where why no look forward have a positive outlook ahead than a negative one. Make a brand new year a better than it were, life still have to carry on.
Photo taken & edit by ZosePh
C-hrist gave
H-imself as
R-eward so that
I-ndividual know the
T-hat He did for
M-ankind to
A-chieve the gift of
Christmas day the things that come in mind first will be present, christmas tree & roasted lamb or turkey then the later part they know is the day Jesus was born. Not many people actually know that he was to born to die for the mankind.
You may say this is a CRAZY act what will he gain out of this? LOVE for you and son ship relationship between a
fatherGod (daddyGod) and you, God put whole of mankind sins and sicknesses on Christ to have judgment on Him so that who ever believe in Christ was made sinless to let God to come and pour out His love on you. and to rest in him also.
God like to listen and help you out with all your big & small problem. NO problem is too small for Him to handle or NO problem is too huge for Him to handle also. Talk to HIM, He wants to come into your life not to pin point your lifestyle but to guild you when you are lost and rest in Him.
There is more to say abt the symbolic of the present, christmas tree and the roasted lamb/turkey but i think i shall stop here if u wanna know more come ask me.
Once again Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Signing Out
Labels: Christmas is HERE