Had a hair cut
It been three days ever since i had my hair cut. It kinda short which i myself is trying to get use to it. If not for the army re-service coming this June, i will not have my hair cut so short.

Since day one i had my hair style change, i was commented by a panels of judger
Auther says " How come your cut your hair so short"
BK says "Your hair so short"
May says " You look great in short hair"
Zar says " you look ok in this style but somehow look abit like butch"
Ahmin says "You have your hair cut ?"
Yanlin says "You look different i thought you were someone else"
Yiwen says "You cut your hair? you look so young"
Fatin says "You look boy boy with your hair short "
Samuel says "nice hair style"
Nelson says "I prefer your long hair"
Jafni says "Nice hair "
Lina says "You look like vincent"
Terry and Yuling say "you look like secondary school boy"
My bro jason says "you look weird in this hair style"
Mum says "nice hair cut"