My Crazy Thoughts
Recently i have this crazy thoughts running through in my head. Hoping that one day i was strike by lighting and change me with superhuman memory ability.
whereby i can remember what i read and see just like Charlie in the drama TV series 'Heroes' if you had watched it you get what i mean. In 'Heroes' she can speak all kind of languages by just reading from book. Damm was that cool? She has the superhuman memory ability. Imagine having the ability i will read and remember all of my notes and pass my grades with flying colors. Never to get stress about programming, test, exam or even anything.
DaddyGod make this less painful minus the "kanna strike by lighting". zap me during my sleep and imply in me with the super memory ability. From then on i will not have to worry for my test and EXAM which is coming soon. Ahhhh lot of memorizing need to be done.
Carry me on your back let me feel the comfort that you promised, uphold me with your arms. For you are my fortress where can i seek refuge and stay in your embrace of love.
Anyway Heroes is a nice show worth watching. Found a never seen before Heroes wallpaper
- Click on the picture below for full size wallpaper

To love a person because of perfection or to love how just a person was with the imperfection, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE